Vertical Turbine Fire Pump
Vertical shaft turbine type fire pumps have submerged impellers contained in a series – bowl assembly
at the bottom of a vertical shaft. The design is similar to the pumps used extensively for industrial &
municipal services. These pumps are UL approved for discharging water from tanks, streams, open sumps,
drilled wells. Each pumps consist of a discharge head, motor stand, column pipe, line shaft, bowl
assembly and suction strainer.
- Stuffing box machined with bushing to guide shaft
- Discharge head provides support for motor and entire pump
- Column connections can be flanged or threaded with coupling
- Bearings available in a variety of materials
- Line shaft couplings machined from solid steel stock
- Column assembly manufactures in-plant to ensure accurate fit
- Sleeve bearings to provide long life and low friction
Sectional Drawings

Technical Data Summary