End Suction Fire Pump
single-stage End-Suction pump. These pumps are typically used in fire-fighting applications for supplying water to fire hose reels, fire hydrants or sprinkler systems. Pumps have a discharge range from 50 to 1000 USgpm and the head range from 3.72 to 9.9 bar. These fire pumps meet or exceed the requirements of NFPA20. Installations of these pumps would ensure the safety of human life, buildings, and expensive equipments and plants.
- • State-of-the-art design fire pumping system.
- NFPA-20 design
- Compact diesel engine driven pump package
- Rugged construction
- More economical than Horizontal Split Case diesel fire pump packages
- Back pull-out design which simplifies inspection and maintenance without disturbing pipe work
- The pump impellers are dynamically balanced to grade 6.3 of ISO 1940-1
- Efficient operation
- Lower initial cost
- Reduced installation time and cost
- Easy access to all working parts
- Ease of maintenance
- Single source unit responsibility.
Sectional Drawings